We’ve been hearing more of our customers stories of what they’ve been up to in lockdown….

Pauline and David Harpin – from Homeport House in Southport, Lancashire busy taking ‘virtual trips’ and playing scrabble
Pauline says “We’re getting on fine in lockdown. We keep ourselves occupied playing scrabble and watching TV. One of the other things we’ve been doing every day is going on a virtual trip somewhere different. We decide where we are going the night before. It could be somewhere we’ve already been or somewhere new. We then get online the next day and look up this place, looking at pictures and videos!
“So far we’ve been to York, New Brighton, Chester, Lytham St Anne’s and Blackpool a few times. It’s a place we love to go so we are doing the next best thing! We really enjoy this and can sit and reminisce a little about the places we have been. It’s also giving us time to research new places to visit when we can go out again.

“We’re keeping in touch with family and friends through Facetime. We also have a friend who regularly brings us little gifts. She turns up and leaves cakes, flowers, homemade flap jacks etc. in the car park. I then shout at her to “back off” and I go and pick them up. It’s really kind and means we can have a little chit chat from a far!
“We talk with other residents from a distance too. I just have to remind some of them to “back off” and they remember to keep their distance. Some people can forget but I have a loud voice so I like to give them a little reminder!
“I’m also doing little things for people where I can. For instance, one of our neighbours needed the battery changing in his phone. I told him to leave it outside his door so I could do this for him.
“I don’t get outside too much but when I do I have a face mask. It’s still too busy on the streets so I don’t want to take the risk at the moment. Usually outside of lockdown we would be out on our mobility scooters every day, popping down to the high street for coffee or lunch.
“We look forward to when we can do this safely in the future but at the moment we’re just getting on with it and keeping ourselves as entertained as much as we can.”

Avril Sweeny – Poplar Court, Lytham St Annes – is enjoying taking her daily exercise with her dog and updating furniture
“I’m lucky that I’m not 70 yet and don’t have any underlying conditions so I’ve been able to go out every day during lockdown. I have a little dog who I take out for a daily walk and I live close to the sea front so can take a stroll along the promenade or walk into the town.
“The weather has been lovely mostly over the past few weeks. so it has been great to walk by the beach and see the sea – it is one of the best things about living here.

“I’m also still going food shopping so that gets me out a bit too. I’ve found a lady that makes some masks in different colours, so I wear one when I go out shopping and walking. I like to colour coordinate with my outfit where possible!
“One of the other things I’ve been doing is a bit of furniture upcycling. I used to renovate quite a bit of furniture and lockdown has given me the time to spend doing up an old table and chairs that I had outside.
“I’m chatting quite a bit with the neighbours in the development who I’ve become good friends with since I moved in. We used to do a lot of activities together but now for the moment we can only enjoy a quick chat here and there at a distance.
“I also regularly talk with family and friends. I have a son who lives in California so I keep in touch with him via phone. I don’t have any other family close by so for me I’m used to being on my own. I think it must be terrible for people who are used to seeing their family a lot.
“I’m doing a bit of gardening here and there too in the communal garden. Plus we all do the clap for the NHS on Thursday nights, either from our window, balcony or front door!
I think the key at the moment is to stick to a routine. I try to have a bit of structure to my day. Having a dog helps as they need feeding and walking so I’m finding this period not too bad really.
“I will be glad though when we can go out a bit more but for the moment I’m just trying to keep as busy as I can. “